Winston Smith, played by Daniel Craig. Why? His gruff voice is perfect for this part and he has a slight British Accent, and this book takes place in London.
Julia, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones. Why? It seemed like a good actor choice.
Big Brother, only in pictures, picture of Adolf Hitler. Why? He looks right for the poster boy of the evil, all-knowing, totalitarian Party.
O'Brien, played by Liam Neeson. Why? His voice seems like how I believe this character talks and looks.
Emmanuel Goldstein, again, another picture, so for this one I will get a picture of Josh Broline. Why? I just Googled 'gruff actors' and found this guy.
Thats all. Oh, do you like the Video?
Video Info:
Made With: Sony Vegas Pro 10.0
Actors Names Font: Ariel
Other Text Font: Secret Service Typewriter
Song: Resident Evil 4-Result
Other Video Effects: Sony Film Grain (Hard to see)
So, do you like it? Anything you want to know? Ask me!
Oh, I just found out that it is a movie. Oops. Oh well, I didn't know this.