“During times of universal deceit, telling the
truth becomes a revolutionary act.” –George Orwell

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens
to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can
you still accept it? Even when it’s better to remain
ignorant, when it’s too dangerous to reveal…we still demand
the truth at all costs…never really understanding the
price we agreed to pay.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Since my Conspiracy Books are terrible for this assignment, I instead will be doing "1984" by George Orwell.

Winston Smith, played by Daniel Craig.  Why? His gruff voice is perfect for this part and he has a slight British Accent, and this book takes place in London.

Julia, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones.  Why? It seemed like a good actor choice. 

Big Brother, only in pictures, picture of Adolf Hitler. Why?  He looks right for the poster boy of the evil, all-knowing, totalitarian Party.

O'Brien, played by Liam Neeson. Why? His voice seems like how I believe this character talks and looks.

Emmanuel Goldstein, again, another picture, so for this one I will get a picture of Josh Broline. Why? I just Googled 'gruff actors' and found this guy.

Thats all.  Oh, do you like the Video?

Video Info:
Made With: Sony Vegas Pro 10.0
Actors Names Font: Ariel                     
Other Text Font: Secret Service Typewriter
Song: Resident Evil 4-Result
Other Video Effects: Sony Film Grain (Hard to see)



  1. So, do you like it? Anything you want to know? Ask me!


  2. Oh, I just found out that it is a movie. Oops. Oh well, I didn't know this.

