“During times of universal deceit, telling the
truth becomes a revolutionary act.” –George Orwell

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens
to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can
you still accept it? Even when it’s better to remain
ignorant, when it’s too dangerous to reveal…we still demand
the truth at all costs…never really understanding the
price we agreed to pay.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog Week 5

Hello, the worst character I have read this year is 'Ned Wallis' from the book "One-Eyed Cat" (Don't read it, its terrible!)  His charactor had no 'soul,' many good books make their character life-like and with good thoughts, but this book, ugh, all he does during the story is brood and feel bad over shooting a cat, and this gets old after the first, oh, say... 30 pages, not to mention the 150+ that remain!!!  He is an example of how NOT to make a character.  How did this book ever win a Newberry Honor Medal, did the reviewers even read it?!!

And just the opposite, was 'Eragon' from the book "Eragon."  He is exactly the opposite of Ned Wallis.  His character is pronounced and it makes you feel like you have known him for a while, compared to more brooding.  This is also one of the BEST characters in a fantasy book, due to the level of detail in the character.

That's all,